How Much Should You Pay for a Website?

$2000 – $100000 dollars. There! You happy? The price is going to vary greatly based on what you need and I break all that down below. Simple Breakdown Costs What You Get Good Idea/Bad Idea $200 You are getting the cheapest website you can find. A web designer in this range will build it from […]

Must Know Marketing Strategies For Your Small Business

The reason for doing any kind of advertising is to get the message out to your community of both the existing clients and potential customers. Proper small business marketing strategies are the backbone of any business and for you to register increased sales, you need to adapt proper strategies in your marketing campaign. This has […]

Combining Leadership And Management In Business

Leadership and managerial qualities are both crucial ingredients in running a business. A leader and a manager are two different individuals, but the difference between them is never obvious. In a small business setup with you as a solo entrepreneur, you’re not considered a leader, but you are a manager. You become both a leader […]

6 Steps To Finding Your Ideal Customer

Everybody is in the business of customer satisfaction somehow. The most significant movement of any entrepreneur is to apparently recognize the ideal best customers for your product or service, and after that concentration, all marketing, promoting and deals endeavors on this particular sort of customer. Here are a 6 Steps to Finding Your Ideal Customer: […]